
U.S. Becomes Exporter of White-Collar Jobs

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Re “White Collar Blues,” by David Friedman, Opinion, Aug. 3: The exportation of white-collar jobs is a real challenge to our economy. For years we’ve exported blue-collar jobs and now the white-collar jobs are going too. One of our problems is that our high standard of living means that employers have to pay a large wage to cover the cost of our high standard of living. It takes a wage of about $8 an hour just to pay apartment rent.

With our suburban sprawl, which requires long utility runs and makes public transportation almost impossible, there is little we can do to bring down our costs. Though we all enjoy our American standard of living, it creates a high overhead that keeps us from being competitive.

Robert C. Mason

Simi Valley


The solution to Friedman’s long lists of our nation’s woes is the same today as it was in 1789 France, which the U.S. resembles more and more each day since President Bush and the GOP took power. Bring back the guillotine! No need to cut off heads; just cut off 80% of the unjustifiable fat-cat compensation packages that exceed $1 million a year. These fat cats are the easiest people to replace in any corporation and in any government or union position. Their expertise is increasingly limited to enriching themselves at the expense of their employees, stockholders, constituents and the welfare of our society.


What a beautiful, bloodless revolution we’ll all benefit by when fat-cat donations dry up and government officeholders have to really represent the people rather than the moneyed few.

Sid Turkish

Beverly Hills


Re “Some GOP Politicians See Uncertain Job Prospects,” Aug. 2: Here’s a thought. Have the GOP tell American business leaders -- who are predominantly Republican -- to stop sending thousands of jobs out of the U.S. Poof! Unemployment gone. Oh, is this the same GOP that dips into the deep pockets of those predominantly Republican American business leaders who send thousands of jobs out of the U.S.? Silly me.

Melissa Verdugo

Rancho Palos Verdes
