
Let the public decide

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As a musician and producer, I welcome the much-needed changes in the music business brought about by the Internet (“Now Fans Call the Tune,” by Geoff Boucher, Aug. 3). Does that mean I don’t want to be paid for my music? Certainly not. I want to be paid for my work just like everyone else. But the music biz has been long overdue for a shake-up. I see the 10-song CD as being extinct soon. Let artists concentrate on making great singles instead of mediocre albums made up of mostly filler songs. That way an artist could go into the studio and record one great song and have it released the next day over the Internet for 99 cents. Let’s do the math: 99 cents for one great song, or $18.99 for 10 mostly mediocre songs.

I welcome any new system to replace the old one, which no longer works. Sure, we’re in for a rough couple of years ahead, but believe me, something better will come along because it has to.

Let the public decide what it wants to hear, not a bunch of greedy corporate suits.

Will Ray


Guitarist Will Ray is a member of the Hellecasters
