
Oh, Come On Now, Not All Those Folks in, um, Frisco, Hate Us, Do They?

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It’s bad enough that the Dodgers have been eating the diamond dust of the first-place San Francisco Giants all season.

Now ex-Newbury Park resident Jeff Bliss has found an ad in the Giants’ Pac Bell Park poking fun at the City of Angels (see photo).

And it was placed by Bank of America, of which L.A. is still a part (pending the next magnitude-8 earthquake, anyway).


I phoned B of A to see if the City by the Bay would get similar treatment down here.

A spokesman checked and said the ad campaign was a “pilot program” confined to that city until it’s been “evaluated.”


Only a coincidence that B of A’s roots are in San Francisco.

Where’s CalFed’s Elvis Schmiedekamp when you need him?

Another prickly situation: Just about everything comes with a warning these days, as the sign next to Bill and Lois Cormier’s plant illustrates (see photo).

Unclear on the concept: Renate Tries of Lake Forest and Gary Null of Valencia wondered why anyone would want shoes that didn’t fit (see accompanying).


Such a deal: The economy is shaky, but I’m heartened to report that Nancy Burrows of Harbor City found some astounding savings at a nearby drugstore (see accompanying).

El Lay vs. Noo Yawk (cont.): I mentioned that while Angelenos stand “in line,” New Yorkers say they stand “on line.” Janet Tunick of West L.A., late of the Bronx, blames it on the New York public schools. She said that concrete schoolyards back there were covered with ruled lines, the way sidewalks are.

And, before school began, each class would be instructed to stand on a line.

“At least,” she added, “that’s how we did it at P.S. 71.”

Class dismissed.

MiscelLAny: “When the judge tells the defendant that his driver’s license has been suspended, that doesn’t mean that it’s at his earliest convenience,” noted Beachcomber columnist Steve Propes.


Which would explain why three men with newly suspended licenses were arrested as they drove out of the parking lot at the Long Beach courthouse.


Steve Harvey can be reached at (800) LA-TIMES, ext. 77083, by fax at (213) 237-4712, by mail at Metro, L.A. Times, 202 W. 1st St., L.A. 90012 and by e-mail at
