
Blackout in East Casts Light on Infrastructure

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Re “Bush Says Power Grid Needs Modernizing,” Aug. 15: Duh. As if that is a revelation. In the midst of tax cuts for the rich and President Bush’s war, our infrastructure is beginning to crumble, our schools are underfunded, our states are running huge deficits, many are unemployed. If he weren’t still looking for weapons of mass destruction, perhaps he would have noticed before the evidence fell before his feet.

Jim Hoover

Huntington Beach


A major power outage on the East Coast? Honest, I am certain that Gov. Gray Davis is not responsible!

Adrian M. Wenner

Santa Barbara


They tell us the power blackout that hit half the U.S. was caused by the “wisdom” of the investment market. You see, there hasn’t been enough big-bucks return on investment over the years to buy new transformers, switching stations and high-tension wires. Not enough incentive since the 1940s, in lots of places.


Hey, anybody want to rethink that one about selling market futures in terrorist attacks?

Tony Bird



Aren’t you glad we are making life better for Iraq and Afghanistan while our major cities are without electricity? Hello, Iraq! We’re in the same boat. What a wonderful president -- taking care of the rest of the world. Talk about Nero fiddling while Rome burned.

Mary C. Thomas

Garden Grove
