
If you vote no on the recall, can you still vote for one of the replacement candidates?

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All voters -- whether they vote yes or no on the recall, or not at all -- are entitled to vote for one of the people running to replace Gov. Gray Davis.

A federal court ruled on July 30 that denying voters who oppose the recall a choice on a fallback candidate would violate their constitutional rights.

For the record:

12:00 a.m. Aug. 21, 2003 For The Record
Los Angeles Times Thursday August 21, 2003 Home Edition Main News Part A Page 2 National Desk 1 inches; 53 words Type of Material: Correction
Recall -- A Q&A; in Saturday’s Section A incorrectly described an issue before a federal court. The court was dealing with whether voters who abstain on the recall question can still vote for a gubernatorial candidate. The court decided that they can. The ruling was issued July 29, not July 30 as reported.

“Every voter, whether they voted for or against that recall, has a paramount interest in choosing the person who will govern them,” the court said.


The recall portion of the Oct. 7 ballot will be split into two parts.

The first part will be a straight yes-or-no question, asking whether Davis should be recalled. The second part will list the 135 candidates certified to run.

The ballot will also include a line where a voter can designate a write-in candidate.


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