
Living With the Deadly Decision to Invade Iraq

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Re “Bombers Kill 38 in Iraq, Israel,” Aug. 20: I’m a bit confused. We go to war with a country under false pretenses (remember when it had weapons of mass destruction and was six months away from a nuclear bomb?), and we’re surprised by its people uprising? Did President Bush and his cabal actually believe that the Iraqis would shower them with flowers? We killed at least 10,000 civilians and countless soldiers.

Are you telling me that we did not expect sabotage, car bombs and various attacks on our soldiers? Wouldn’t the Israeli occupation of the Palestinians serve as a good example of how oppressed people fight back against their oppressors? Why is anyone surprised by the Iraqi uprising? “The civilized world will not be intimidated,” Bush said. Since when did “civilized” come to mean occupying a country, its people and its resources?

Gary Douglas Smith

Los Angeles


We cannot find weapons of mass destruction. We cannot find atomic artifacts. We cannot find the link between Iraq and Osama bin Laden. What are we doing in Iraq? Another building blew up Tuesday. More people are dead. How many more have to die to show that this invasion was an evil mistake by our government?


Jorge Jakobowicz

Fountain Valley


Re “More Troops Needed, Analysts Insist: Pentagon disagrees, saying more Iraqis should be defending their own country,” Aug. 20:

But from whom?

David Peck

Laguna Beach
