
Driver’s License Repeal in Accord With Law

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“Driver’s License Repeal Smacks of Racism” (letter, Nov. 28) shows how little your letter writer knows about the facts. Immigrants from Mexico or any other country who enter this country with proper documents have no problem obtaining a driver’s license. AB 60 was passed to reward people who entered this country in violation of the law. People who enter this country illegally should be arrested and deported, not rewarded by the state politicians.

We are a country of laws, and the laws should apply to everyone. Illegal aliens should not be exempt, regardless of what country they are from. Crops were harvested, dishes washed and offices cleaned before we were flooded with illegal aliens. They get handouts in the form of free medical care and free schooling, plus other benefits. Send them home and see if we cannot survive without them; we built this country without them.

Frank D. Thurlow

Supervisory Border

Patrol Agent (Ret.)



One would think that driver’s licenses for illegal aliens would make the roads less safe rather than more safe, as the prevailing argument seems to say. Isn’t it reasonable to assume that an illegal alien driving without a license would be more inclined to refrain from such dangerous practices as speeding, tailgating, running red lights or making illegal turns?


Herb Stewart

La Mirada
