
Bush-Bashing in Letters to The Times

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Recently your letters column has turned into a George W. Bush-bashing forum. Is that all you’re disclosing? Almost all the letter writers are disgusted, upset and all bent out of shape by our commander in chief. What kind of readers are nurtured by The Times?

If one is to believe six of seven Dec. 1 letters, one would swear that almost all your letter writers are administration haters or that the silent majority is just exactly that: silent. And they’re perfectly content with our president’s performance -- why waste energy and effort if one’s pleased? I think the latter is true.

Paul Hart



Letters (Dec. 2) indicate that President Bush’s trip to Iraq was bold and statesmanlike, and Sen. Hillary Clinton’s (D-N.Y.) trip to Afghanistan and Iraq was a flashy ego trip. Or Clinton’s trip was courageous, and Bush’s was a sleazy photo op. “Liar, liar, pants on fire!” Lord, you gotta love the mature level of political discussion in this country.


Mary Rouse

Los Angeles


In the comments on Bush’s visit to Iraq, no one seems to have remarked on the Catch-22 situation he has made for himself. Wherever he goes he talks of bringing freedom, a word that figures in almost every speech he utters, and yet he has himself become a prisoner to the culture of fear he has done so much to accentuate.

On his visit to London he was always surrounded by hundreds of armed agents and had no contact with ordinary people. His visit to Iraq was furtive, cocooned in secrecy, and again he had no contact with the Iraqi people. He can associate only with his intimate group of advisors and the fat cats who contribute to his fund-raising dinners. Just how free is he?

Reg Foakes

Santa Monica
