
Bird Kills by Windmills Higher Than Reported

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Re “Windmills Take Toll on Wildlife,” Dec. 8: Complaints about wind energy fall on the deafest of ears, since the media usually rely solely on statistics provided by the wind-energy industry on things like bird kills and the actual amount of energy that windmills create. But a much higher number of birds are killed than the industry claims and the actual power they create is much lower than industry officials cite in their statistics.

Riverside County has given wind developers free rein over the San Gorgonio Pass, especially the area surrounding verdant, riparian White Water Canyon, which was once a haven for bird-watchers and an annual migratory stop for a large number of turkey vultures. White Water’s cottonwood trees would appear almost black because of their number. Their population and that of other canyon birds steadily decreased as wind developments increased because thousands were killed by the industrial camp of windmills that now dominate even the ridge lines of this once beautiful water canyon.

Les Starks

White Water, Calif.
