
A twist and a stretch to relieve a stiff back

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Here’s a new way to get more out of a simple twist. Use it any time your back feels tight, especially if you have been sitting for extended periods.


1 Sit sideways in a sturdy, nonswivel chair; the back of the chair should be on your right. Cross your right leg over your left leg. Inhale and lift your spine, sitting as tall as possible.

2 Exhale, turn to your right and place your hands on the back of the chair. Keep your hips flat on the seat, with both knees facing forward. Inhale, then as you exhale, twist deeper into the stretch. Keep both shoulders on the same level. Hold the position, breathing fully for 15 to 20 seconds. Return to the starting position.


To stretch the other side, position your chair so the back of it is to your left. Cross your left leg over your right and repeat the steps, turning your torso to the left.


-- Karen Voight
