
Now We’re Putting Bruins Below Clippers

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With each new UCLA loss comes a new low for this once-proud basketball program. While delaying until season’s end may make for a smoother transition, each negative milestone achieved increases the need to hire a proven, known quantity to instill some discipline and restore the program to respectability.

I hope you’re looking high and low, Mr. Guerrero.

Blaise Jackson



UCLA’s starting point guard scored no points in four games. The other starting guard, senior Ray Young, was, what, three for 24 over that same period? Superstar Jason Kapono scores 40 points in one game, 30 in another, and then disappears the rest of the time. I seem to recall Kapono choking in pressure situations in crucial, early season games, when the outcome was on the line. This is Steve Lavin’s fault?

I think it’s time for his players to step up to the plate and show a little class. Maybe make some shots, and play some defense, instead of wandering around the court of Pauley Pavilion like a bunch of cowardly chumps who have already given up.


Hang in there, Steve. Take the rest of the money owed to you on your contract, and then go to a college where maybe the players will actually listen to, and care about, what you have to say.

Brian Kowalchuk

Los Angeles


Enough Steve Lavin letters already! His successes and failures have been discussed and dissected ad infinitum ad nauseam: He can’t teach, his players fail to improve, he was a “victim” of Pete Dalis picking him to coach before he was ready ... blah, blah, blah.

Viewpoint letter writers are beating a dead horse -- unless there’s a miracle that takes UCLA to the conference title and ultimately the Final Four, Lavin is toast and everybody knows it. I’m sure my pleas will fall on deaf ears, but I’d love for this to be the final letter about the Bruin coach.


And by the way, I don’t believe in miracles.

Joel Rapp

Los Angeles
