
Budget Priorities at Cal State Fullerton

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Re: “And They Put Up a Paradise,” Feb. 3:

Since blunting Cal State Fullerton’s attempt to take back 5-plus acres, the Fullerton Arboretum survived another land incursion during the development of the master plan. The university wanted more than 2 acres for a food-service and multiuse building on the south end of the grounds. This was modified through cooperative meetings and compromise. Our loss will be minuscule; only a narrow strip on the south end.

Now the problem is internal. Some members of the Friends of the Arboretum board are proposing to eliminate all the staff that has helped bring us to where we are today. This is at a time when we are contemplating a building program to give us greater visibility in the community. It is not just weeds that need control in our garden.

Ben Rogers,

Arboretum member


Has the world of California education gone mad? The state is in dire budget straits. It looks like elementary and high school classes will be overflowing. In the middle of this, how are colleges faring? Fullerton can’t wait to provide opportunities for more to live on campus, plus additional parking, a plaza. All these things are for the university social life -- none for education.


This isn’t the time to expand classrooms anyway. More and more lecture classes should be taught by video of some form. Bringing every student to campus for every class should have been made obsolete years ago.

Mary K. Boston

Huntington Beach
