
Unfair spotlight

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IT is an outrage to hear that Edward Norton, Dustin Hoffman and other celebrities have used their celebrity status to speak out against our president at this tumultuous time (“In Berlin, Film VIPs Decried War,” by William Wallace, Feb. 19). My concern is that their lack of diplomatic grace has shed a negative light upon America. It would be much better for the world to see the variety of viewpoints that Americans hold.

What annoys me about celebrities voicing their political viewpoints is that it is unfair and unjust. They do not have any more political insight than the average American, and yet because of their fame, they are able to speak out and get press coverage. This creates an unfair advantage to liberal politics, because the vast majority of celebrities are liberal.

Elizabeth Magness

La Habra


THANKS to Howard Rosenberg for his support of celebrities speaking out politically (“Even stars are allowed to think,” Feb. 21). We are in a time when freedom of speech is being threatened in the name of patriotism.


The Right Wing is allowed to rant their opinions on the airwaves nonstop. Why shouldn’t thoughtful celebrities be allowed to speak up? When did wanting peace become un-American?

Laurie Burrows Grad

Los Angeles
