
It’s Good to Hear That Commuters Are Pulling for Each Other in Pomona

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“A female driving a Cal Poly tractor was stuck in the mud near Temple on University Drive,” reported the Pomona school’s newspaper. “Another tractor came to assist.” Always nice to see one commuter helping out another.

‘Duh!’ Award winner: Neil Irish of Long Beach spotted a warning for unobservant pedestrians in the Palm Springs area (see photo).

Of course, this IS a litigious era ... : Pamela Griggs of Valencia came upon a piece of clothing with legal troubles. (see accompanying).


And people can be extremely unobservant: In Tuesday’s column, I related how I left a cell phone on the roof of my car and drove off after Little League practice. I added that at least I remembered to load my son.

That brought a chilling note from Ed Carter of Playa del Rey. “I saw a young mother place her baby on the trunk of her car and load about four large bags of food into the back seat of her car,” he said. “She jumped into the car to drive away, and about 10 of us shoppers screamed at her to tell her about her baby on the trunk.”

Forgetfulness (cont.): Now what was I talking about? Oh, yes. Carter recommends that absent-minded types who have to place something temporarily on the car put it (or him or her!) on the hood. That way, the object will be in your sight as you start to drive away.


Of course, Carter’s formula wouldn’t cover another motorist oversight that I hear about: driving away from a gas station with the hose still in your tank.

Such a deal: John Wade of Newbury Park noticed that a Ventura pizza shop guarantees “prompt service ... no matter how long it takes!”

Reminds me of the motto of boxer-turned-bail bondsman Art Aragon: “I’ll Get You Out if It Takes 10 Years.”


Webbed site: Just a few days ago, I criticized TV’s “The West Wing” for a comment one character made about a high crime rate in Rancho Cucamonga. In reality, it’s one of the safest cities in the nation.

Then what happens? Jim Fields of Tustin comes upon a CHP Incident Information page about an invasion at a truck-scales station in that city (see above).

At least Rancho Cucamonga’s ducks are housebroken.

miscelLAny: Terri Caston of Altadena saw this sign in a Desert Hot Springs shop window: “Shoe Sale. Buy one, get one free.” I don’t suppose it will entice Long John Silver.


Steve Harvey can be reached at (800) LA-TIMES, Ext. 77083, by fax at (213) 237-4712, by mail at Metro, L.A. Times, 202 W. 1st St., L.A. 90012 and by e-mail at
