
Stop Whining Over High Gas Prices

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Re “Surging Gasoline Prices Drive Debate at Pumps,” Feb. 25: What a bunch of crybabies whining about $2 gas prices! Instead of complaining about alleged price-gouging by oil companies we should be asking our leaders why our economy is so intertwined with such an unreliable, dirty and diminishing natural resource. Gas is cheap compared with the ecological damage inflicted by its consumption.

How many billions of our tax dollars have been spent protecting our oil interests overseas? If these indirect costs were factored into the price of gas it would probably be at least $5 per gallon. Then maybe there would be pressure on our leaders for efficient mass transit that everyone would use. Then maybe we would stop being suckers for the oil companies and their stooges in the White House. Then maybe we would grow up and change the way we live so that there will be a livable planet here for our grandchildren.

Scott Herbertson



Wow, gasoline prices are over $2 per gallon plus 9/10 of a cent. Isn’t it about time the petroleum companies and their retailers stop adding the fraction of a cent? I’ll give 9/10ths of a penny for your thoughts.


Leon Gottlieb

