
War of words on Iraq

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Response to President Bush’s State of the Union address:

“We are not afraid of evil, but we are trying to avoid it, to drive it away. But when evil is determined, God willing, we break its neck in Iraq.”

Iraqi President Saddam

Hussein, above

“The time for diplomatic action is narrowing; the diplomatic window is closing. What you’re going to see unfolding in the next several days is going to be a period of intense diplomatic activity, not only here in the council, but across the oceans, between ministers and between our presidents.”

John D. Negroponte, U.S. ambassador to the U.N.

“We welcome Secretary Powell’s offer to show us more evidence. It’s what we have been asking for all along. We hope that it’s something the inspectors can verify or act on.”


Munir Akram, Pakistani ambassador to the U.N.

“The speech just confirms what he [Bush] is. He is a despot. He doesn’t care what the international community has to say. He thinks he is master of the world, and that’s the way he behaves. He wanted this war from the beginning, and he will go ahead with it, ignoring any other country.”

Carmela Compagnone, an office administrator in Rome

“It was a great speech that rose to the level of the challenge. The French could come over to the side of the Americans.”

Frederic Bozo of the French Institute for International Research in Paris

“We know there is a lot of discussion going on at home about the pros and cons, but as pilots we see violations every day. We find it hard to believe so much of the American public, based on polls, doesn’t think it’s necessary to go to war.”

Marine Capt. Brian Schenk of


- Los Angeles Times
