
He’s a man among women

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I’ve got a news flash for Samantha Bonar about men who get their nails done, take yoga, take spinning, etc. (“Guys, Don’t Lose Touch With Your Inner Caveman,” June 26). Guess what? That’s where the women are. Does she know how many times I’ve been the only man among a gaggle of women? More than I can count. She can rip on men who take part in women’s activities all she wants, but, truth be told, it’s a sweet ratio.

David Garber

Santa Monica


My brother is a “metrosexual” and has no clue how these girlie tendencies come off unattractive to the opposite sex. His explanation: Italians used to do this back in the day. He says, “You think Sinatra had dirt under his nails before a show? Never!” Just the other day, my brother’s manicure almost blinded me. I told him his hand had more shine than my hair. And what’s with the wax? Women don’t want to be jealous of men’s eyebrow shape. We have enough competition the way it is!

Jessica Mani

Los Angeles


As a man, I find the current pressure on men to “feminize” to be all-pervading and ridiculous. A man should be characterized by his confidence in himself to pursue his passions, to care for those he loves but also to advance his own ideas and objectives, rather than waiting to be told what to do. I applaud Samantha Bonar for making people aware of this very dangerous trend in men.


No wonder so many single women today are content living without a man. The kind of men you describe are closer to being one of the girls. Any man I can’t share a cigar and a glass of scotch with isn’t worth my time.

Sanford Golden

Los Angeles


I wish I disagreed with Samantha Bonar. The research told me exactly what I didn’t want to know was true. The world has become a less exciting place now, for sure!

Marian Salzman

West Shokan, N.Y.

Salzman is the chief strategy officer for Euro RSCG Worldwide, the company responsible for the study on American men that prompted the column.
