
Intelligent Funding of Homeland Security

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“Heed This Prophet,” your July 1 editorial on the funding needs of our nation’s emergency responders, makes an important point about how federal anti-terrorism assistance to states is targeted: It isn’t. While Congress clearly understands the need to support our local first responders -- the federal government has provided more than $20 billion since Sept. 11, 2001 -- the vast majority of funding is allocated based on political formulas. There is a per-state minimum of funding; additional money is doled out based on population, not threat. This leads to the results you highlighted, such as Wyoming receiving four times as much funding per capita as California.

Funding must be based on threat assessment. As Homeland Security Committee members heard firsthand in recent meetings with first responders in Southern California, the funding pipeline is the problem. I have announced legislation to fix these problems and make federal anti-terrorism funding smarter and faster. Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridge has announced his strong support, as have many members of the committee.

Rep. Christopher Cox

R-Newport Beach
