
Couple Sue Over Message on a Brick

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From Religion News Service

A Chicago couple filed a federal lawsuit this week after the Chicago Park District rejected their proposed inscription on a commemorative brick because it contained a religious message.

When their local park district announced a “buy a brick” fund-raising campaign for a new playground last fall, Mildred and Robert Tong wrote a check for $50 and filled out a form for the brick’s inscription: “Missy, EB, and Baby: Jesus is the cornerstone. Love, Mom & Dad.”

A few days later, on Oct. 12, 2002, they received a call from the park district saying the religious message might be “problematic.”


And in March 2003, they received a notice from the park district stating, “Your religious message poses serious constitutional problems for the park district.”

After the district refused the Tongs’ request to reconsider, the couple contacted the Washington-based Beckett Fund for Religious Liberty, which agreed to represent them.

The suit claims the park district violated the Tongs’ rights of free speech and free exercise of religion. Besides requesting an injunction allowing their message to be displayed, the Tongs asked for $1 in damages.
