
Settle Budget Debt at the Polls

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Re “Senate Set to Approve Budget Deal,” July 24:

You mean to tell me that billions will be financed by health cuts against the poor and not one extra penny will be contributed by any of this state’s millionaires? These sordid scoundrels should all be recalled.

Edward Chavez



“The Democrats who plotted political gain from the crisis owe Californians an apology” (“Indecent Exposure,” editorial, July 23). Both the Democrats and Republicans, who were sent to Sacramento to do their jobs in the best interests of their constituencies, owe their constituents much more than an apology. And, just maybe, the debt will be collected from all of them at the polls the next time out. The $10.7-billion deficit left over from last year, the unsolved $38-billion crisis this year, plus an estimated $30-million recall, blowing the credit rating of the state on Wall Street and delaying an economic recovery all deserve to be noticed, along with the callous political ploys of both parties’ representatives. That’s not cynicism, it’s optimism!

Bob Focosi

