
Where Are Democrats When You Need Them?

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The Democrats’ wishy-washy stature and failure to go on the offensive is perplexing. As the headline of Arianna Huffington’s May 28 commentary suggests (“Democrats Too Craven to Fight Back”), their silence on the most obvious failures of this president and his administration is maddening. After 9/11, and ever so systematically, Bush and his junta were able to switch the focus from Al Qaeda and Osama bin Laden to Saddam Hussein in order to play on people’s fears and anxieties. In so doing, they were able to switch the focus and deflect the people’s attention from the failures and ineffective policies of the administration.

The first tax cut did nothing to stimulate the economy, provide jobs or reduce unemployment. So let’s do it again! Inheriting the largest budget surplus in history, President Bush has turned it into what is expected to be history’s largest deficit. And he managed to do this in less than three years. Where is the Democratic opposition to the failed policies of this administration? Who will have the nerve to speak out? Oh, by the way, where is “Kenny Boy” Lay?

Dan Pellow

Los Angeles


Huffington has once again hit the mark. The Democrats have abandoned their constituency. Their namby-pamby, timorous stances are really anathema to a lifelong Democrat. Where do we go to find real leaders? Arcata City Councilman David Meserve (Calendar, May 28) has the courage to take a principled stand. His campaign slogan for his first elected office was: “The federal government has gone stark, raving mad.” Nothing wishy-washy there ... but some frightening truth. There are people of principle -- we just need them in our Congress.


Marge Allen

Huntington Beach


Until this morning I had used “feckless” to characterize the Democrats’ anemic response to this sitting-duck president. But no more, now that I have looked up Huffington’s “poltroon”: a complete coward, craven. However, being partial to the sound of “feckless,” I think “feckless poltroons” is most apt.

Dale O’Neal

Laguna Beach
