
Councilman’s Remarks Reveal Racist Bias

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Re “Councilman Visits Archie Bunker Dimension to Justify Comments,” by Steve Lopez, June 20: As a former councilwoman and mayor of San Fernando, I could not believe what I read. I was shocked and dismayed by Newport Beach Councilman Dick Nichols’ callous and racist statements.

I was angry that he could speak so carelessly, and I was saddened by the possibility that perhaps there will be no repercussions. I felt his hate for people like me who come here from Mexico or other countries south of the border, who contribute and die for this country. I felt a bone-chilling fear that he holds public office and that his repugnant views might be reflective of those whom he represents. Only the reaction of his constituency and others will determine if my fears are justified or not.

However, my worst fear is that there might be hundreds, perhaps thousands more just like Nichols. I ponder what goes through his head while at council meetings when he recites the Pledge of Allegiance, especially the part that says, “One nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.”


Rosa Chacon

San Fernando


As a penalty for his remarks about Mexicans monopolizing grassy areas at Corona del Mar Beach, Nichols should be made to picnic the entire summer with these same people. But he should not be allowed to sit on the grass.

Bob Chavez

Granada Hills
