
Turning Back on Flag Hits a National Nerve

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I have long considered Bill Plaschke to be the best possible replacement for Jim Murray. However, the wishy-washy, P.C. stance he has taken regarding Toni Smith’s turning her back on our flag [“Waving Her Right,” Feb. 28] is a disappointment.

I suggest that people of her predilection merely cast their eyes downward to demonstrate their negative attitude toward our beautiful symbol of freedom. I am deeply offended by the effrontery of anyone who would demean our flag.

Frank Balensiefer

Alta Loma


This intelligent, well-spoken young woman has chosen to separate herself from the rest of the flock. No one can claim that she is a sheep and simply “goes with the flow” as so many other young people seem content to do these days.


I am proud to call Toni Smith an American. She is a current embodiment of this country’s greatest gift: the freedom of expression.

Todd Jarrett

Canyon Country


Why this extreme exposure of anti-Americanism? The story has nothing to do with sports, so you should, each day, present a similar story concerning one of the millions of people who are so proud of our flag and are proud of calling ourselves Americans. You can start with an article on my son-in-law, who is now serving overseas as an active Army Reservist.

Charles W. Jenner

Los Alamitos


Please tell Plaschke that his keen instincts with regards to blitzing and zone defenses are way off with regards to civil disobedience. Tommie Smith and John Carlos made a clear statement in 1968 -- that it was duplicitous to put a black man on a pedestal as a celebration of a national achievement while literally not allowing him in many of the nation’s institutions.


The only clear statement coming out of the Division III basketball player is that a privileged girl doesn’t recognize that her privilege is a direct result of winning the lottery of birthplace, by being born in Key’s “land of the free.”

Ryan VanOmmeren

Thousand Oaks


How ironic that the symbol Toni Smith chooses to turn her back on (our flag) is the symbol of what gives her the right to do it (our freedom). Maybe someday she will understand this and elect to salute that flag.

Jan Gendell

Marina del Rey


I think Toni Smith can do whatever she wants to do. However, she is a banal walking cliche. From your reporting, she seems to have no original thoughts other than what she has read off the bumper stickers of VW buses. Why don’t you find someone who has a cogent argument before wasting so much ink on them?


Tim Milauskas

Palm Springs


Ms. Smith stated, “I never meant this to be a public statement, I did it for my own self-respect and conscience.” That’s hogwash. If that is the case, why doesn’t she go to the locker room as the anthem is being played?

Gerry Looman



Two articles, same page, two athletes, one conclusion: Toni Smith stands for courage, Rodney Woods stands for cowardice.

I wonder if the same people who deride Toni Smith for exercising her rights as an American would not also give Rodney Woods, this thug masquerading as an athlete, yet another chance.

Christopher Dill

Los Angeles


Regarding the Toni Smith controversy: We will rue the day when idealistic college students become so passionless as to stop protesting.

David Macaray

Rowland Heights
