
Lawmakers Should Rethink Positions on War

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Re “Bush Pushes the Big Lie Toward the Brink,” by Robert Scheer, Commentary, March 4: Would someone please ask Robert “Sneer” to volunteer as a human shield in Iraq? Or perhaps send him over as a real reporter so that he can see for himself the weapons of mass destruction and human rights abuses that will be revealed after the short battle is over. Would he then abandon his mean-spirited and vitriolic rhetoric to apologize to President Bush? When the truth becomes known, will Scheer do the honorable thing: apologize to his readers for his misguided attacks on our president and then fade quietly into oblivion? I’m not holding my breath.

James B. Davis

Beverly Hills


If America goes to war with Iraq, it will be the fault of Congress, especially the Democrats. They, by their support of Bush and his war, have shown themselves to be either evil or fools. This is not hyperbole. To vote for something that will victimize innocent civilians, just to be reelected, is evil. One wonders how many Democrats honestly believe this war is a good thing for America.

Voters should demand that every member of Congress vote again on the war. Right now, they are having it both ways: They can say, or hint, that they think the war is a bad idea, even though they originally voted for it. If the Democrats could recover their honor, a better foreign policy might still have a chance. Even if they don’t have a majority of the votes, it could make a difference. And, win, lose or draw, it might recapture some of their integrity.


Howard Mass

El Cerrito, Calif.


The capture of Al Qaeda chieftain Khalid Shaikh Mohammed on March 1 will probably do more for our security than all our bombs currently aimed at Iraq. That’s the value of allies in the war against Al Qaeda. With patience, intelligence and common interests, we will succeed.

George Saade



Re “Race On to Find ‘Sleeper’ Cells,” March 3: The former head of counter-terrorism for the CIA, Vincent Cannistraro, admits that the U.S. has transferred some Al Qaeda detainees to other countries that engage in torture, in order to gain information from these prisoners. When we cast aside the Geneva Convention and dehumanize others in this way, we also dehumanize ourselves. Whatever happened to the land of the free and the home of the brave? Most Americans would not give a mandate for torture to our leaders, elected or appointed!

Elizabeth C. Libbey

Santa Monica


As I lie in the hospital recovering from a hip fracture, I cannot help but think of the thousands of men, women and children who will be killed or, even worse, left injured in unbearable pain with no one to care for them, if Bush pursues this war with Iraq. Professing to be a Christian, how can he feel such a horrendous act against humanity is justified, and how can he possibly see something good come after it?


Dorothy Marks

