
Davis’ Funds and Talents Are Just Going to Waste

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On May 1, on the front page, the Legislature continues to deal with reconciling the state’s debts with its income (“State Lawmakers Find Way to Pare Budget Gap”). On Page 1 we also read about Gov. Gray Davis’ latest ventures in political fund-raising, though he’s not running again and says it’s not to prevent recall efforts.

I have been wondering for a long while now, hopeless as it may seem, why the governor and legislators don’t just turn over most or all of their surplus campaign funds to the state’s general fund. Now I wonder, as well, why the governor, who is probably the best in the country at fund-raising, doesn’t do it on behalf of the state? Especially when we read daily (Page 1 of the California section, May 1) about how the “Shrinking Budget Threatens Limit on Class Sizes.”

Not to mention the threats to education in general, libraries of all kinds, health services, etc. Instead of paying $5,000 a ticket to the golf tournament on May 23, why don’t the lobbyists contribute to the state’s coffers?


And it might not be more than a drop in the bucket, but what a gesture it would be for politicians to turn over campaign funds to the folks they purport to care about so much.

Mary I. Purucker



Here is a math problem for you: There is a desperate shortage of new teachers; we need thousands more. The state budget cuts $328 million for K-12 education spending.

Question: How many signatures does it take to get a recall on the ballot?

Carrie Mahan

Newbury Park
