
To Balance State Budget We Must Curb Spending

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Re “Davis Urges Electricity Rate Cut,” May 14: Gov. Gray Davis claims to “provide relief to ratepayers and help California’s economy” with his energy plan, which “would save an average of $30 a year.” Wow, a whopping 30 bucks! This is a joke! Consider “New Davis Budget Seeks to Cut Less, Borrow More” (May 14), which details the tax-and-spend strategy of Democrats.

The increased auto tax will cost the average driver about $130 a year, and a half-cent increase in the state sales tax will likely cost an individual several hundred dollars annually. These are both regressive taxes, which Democrats usually revile. Sadly, the lowered disposable incomes of individuals may further inhibit growth and recovery. We need to curb spending, however painful, until solvency is achieved.

Brendan Morrissey

Manhattan Beach


Irresponsible and reprehensible children seem to be occupying the state Capitol these days, spending not only money the state doesn’t have today but spending tomorrow’s revenues as well. Revenues today are not substantially below the level of four years ago, even adjusted for inflation. What is higher is the amount of money the legislators and governor are spending on favored programs. Living within your means is an idea embedded in the state Constitution; the Capitol crowd is now cheating that ideal with financing.


It is like running up the credit card so high it can never be paid off. Bankruptcy is not available; rather, it’s so painful it would destroy the state. Legislators, please grow up and balance things the hard way -- with cuts.

David O’Shea

Costa Mesa
