
Kids Shouldn’t Abstain From Sex Education

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Re “Santa Ana School Board Rejects Abstinence-Only Curriculum,” May 15:

I am a 19-year-old student trustee at Orange Coast College, and I am happy with the Santa Ana school board’s decision to focus on a comprehensive sex education program for young people. It seems the recent fights about sex education have always left one very important voice unheard: that of young people. In this case, teens came forward asking for more information on contraceptive use, not less. Abstinence-only programs don’t provide complete information about the health benefits of condoms.

Studies show that comprehensive sex education programs delay the onset of sexual activity and increase contraceptive use among teens who are already engaging in sexual intercourse. The same cannot be said of abstinence-only programs, which have received large increases in funding despite the lack of data proving their efficacy.

Comprehensive sex education programs are also clear in their message that condoms are not 100% effective. But neither are vaccinations, seat belts or sunscreens. However, in this real “imperfect” world, we still use them. We have learned that they are better than the alternative.


Zachary Liberman

Santa Ana
