
Spin Doctors Declare ‘Mission Accomplished’

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OK, so let me get this straight. The U.S. is experiencing increased hostilities and a higher body count because our mission in Iraq is so successful. Well, I guess everyone in the U.S. will be thrilled to witness an increase in attacks on and killings of U.S. soldiers, Iraqi civilians and United Nations and volunteer personnel as a sign of our continued success in the reconstruction and democratization of Iraq. I think the political spin doctors and George W. Bush had better take a second look at this brainteaser.

Steven Apodaca

Los Angeles


At his Tuesday press conference, President Bush responded to a question about continuing terrorist attacks in Iraq by saying, “These terrorists are targeting the very success and freedom we’re providing to the Iraqi people.” According to that convoluted logic, the more U.S. troops who die in Iraq, the more successful we are. Therefore, after thousands die -- we’ve won!

Kate Sand

West Hills


Bush’s lies about not stage-managing the “Mission Accomplished” sign on the aircraft carrier, his claims that success is causing the resistance in Iraq and his general support of a religious fanatic like Lt. Gen. William G. “Jerry” Boykin are much more appropriate for the leader of a small Third World dictatorship than the most powerful democracy in the world. Does he not know what is going on around him, or just not care?


Justeen Ward

Van Nuys


Re “Dog Bites Man in Baghdad,” Commentary, Oct. 28: Max Boot’s laughable attempt to “keep things in perspective” by overlaying the grim media reports from Iraq onto the successful Normandy invasion is asinine. Why did the media in 1944 report positively on the events of D-day? Because Americans were not lied to at every step or promised a quick and easy victory despite all evidence to the contrary. Because the president had never claimed we would be welcomed as liberators. Because months earlier, FDR hadn’t donned a flight suit, landed in a fighter jet on an aircraft carrier and declared that major combat was over. Because, Mr. Boot, World War II was not a sham.

Sean Gannon

Los Angeles


If I yell “Fire!” in a crowded theater where there is no fire and someone dies, I go to prison. What happens if I’m the president and I yell “Weapons of mass destruction!” where there aren’t any and thousands of people die?

Errol Miller

