
A new slant on push-ups

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Karen Voight can be reached at

Push-ups remain one of the best moves to help strengthen many of the major muscles in your upper body. Because it’s not always convenient to get on the ground to do push-ups, here’s a practical and effective way to integrate them into fitness walks or trail hikes.


1 Stand directly in front of a sturdy fence or handrail. Place your hands shoulder-width apart on a rail, thumbs facing down. Next, walk your feet back until your body forms a straight diagonal line between shoulders and heels. Your heels should touch the ground with your elbows slightly bent and pointed upward. Do not lock your elbows.

2 Inhale and slowly bend your elbows (keeping your body straight) until your chest is close to the fence or rail. Allow your heels to lift slightly off the ground. Now exhale and push your body back to the start position. Squeeze and contract the muscles across your chest and in the backs of your arms during the “push-back” phase of the movement. Do 12 to 15 push-ups at one time, repeating the exercise three times during your walk. If you want to do all the push-ups at once, try resting for 30 seconds between each set.



-- Karen Voight
