
Schwarzenegger Fires DMV Chief

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Re “Swift Shift at the DMV,” Nov. 19: My, how things have changed between the campaign and the inauguration. We find one of the first things Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger did was to fire the director of the Department of Motor Vehicles and order him out by the end of the day. It turns out the director in question was known for his pro-consumer stance and for penalizing auto dealers for misdeeds. Coincidentally, the California Motor Car Dealers Assn. contributed $800,000 to Schwarzenegger’s campaign and helped underwrite his inauguration festivities.

Instead of being “the governor who can’t be bought,” it appears the message went out in his first day in office just how quickly and easily the governor can be bought. It is also interesting to note that the governor’s newly appointed head of the DMV has 40 years’ experience in state government. Is this how our new governor will be “cleaning house in Sacramento”?

William H. Banks



I recently paid my increased car tax and now I see that I am going to get a refund (Nov. 19). I do not want it. I want to pay for police and fire protection, which are critical to the safety of my family and myself. I want police officers and firefighters paid promptly, with no doubts or waits while new arrangements are worked out. I want to pay as I go. I do not want to pay on credit, which incurs interest costs and passes the costs on to my children and grandchildren. I do not want to be paid out of a bond issue as the governor apparently plans to do. I want the governor to keep my car tax.


Marjorie Braude

Los Angeles
