
Environment Needs Everyone’s Involvement

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Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s Nov. 24 commentary on the Bush administration’s horrible stewardship of our environment is a clarion call from an ever-shrinking wilderness to all Californians to get involved. If you can’t find the time to write or phone your elected representatives, then at the very least, vote. Vote for candidates who don’t just promise but have shown leadership in protecting our coastline, our water supplies, the air we breathe and the land we inhabit. On the federal level, we must continue to demand that a state’s rights be upheld, for only a state’s citizenry can truly understand and resolve the environmental, social and economic problems in its own backyard.

Bill Haller

Van Nuys


The environmental depredations of this administration are appalling. This is not a liberal or a conservative issue. The Bush administration’s dismantling of environmental regulations, and its non-enforcement of existing regulations, should be of concern to all Americans who do not own a company engaged in pollution.

Chuck Noyes

