
This just in

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Thanks, Tim Rutten, for succinctly saying what so many of us have been thinking regarding the media coverage sideshow (“Hurry, Hurry, Get a Ticket to the News,” Nov. 22).

Where have all the priorities gone? Television ratings and circulation numbers have eclipsed sound judgment and a sense of media responsibility.

While on the gym treadmill last week, the TV monitor -- tuned in to one of our major news channels -- gave all of 20 seconds to the announcement that California National Guardsmen were being deployed to Iraq for an 18-month tour.


In light of continued American losses in that part of the world, this news affects many families. But 20 seconds was all it got! The following 15 minutes of coverage dealt with chasing planes and vehicles to locate Michael Jackson.

A distorted picture gone very wrong.

Bob Milrad

Van Nuys
