
Carroll Versus Dorrell: They Call It No Contest

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Ed Wood is to film as UCLA is to football. The last four minutes of “Titanic” had more suspense than the USC-UCLA game. I see Dan Guerrero wants us to give Karl Dorrell “some time.” My vote is 20 to life.

The arguments are “be patient, he doesn’t have the right kids, he is growing into the position.”

If the personnel isn’t right, why are we force-feeding this offense? And can someone show me where the line is to sign up for a $650,000-a-year job rife with on-the-job training without expectations? I’d like two years of that myself.


Ken Haymaker

Woodland Hills


If USC beats Oregon State and doesn’t go to the Sugar Bowl because of a weak “strength of schedule,” you can blame USC senior associate athletic director Daryl Gross for scheduling patsies such as Auburn and Notre Dame, as well as that big stiff UCLA.

Come on, Daryl, you can do better than that. Don’t you have any contacts at Long Beach City College or Lakewood High?

Mark Larson

Newport Beach


The patient has finally expired. On life support since the ignominious Miami loss in 1998, the shellacking by the mighty Trojans has finally buried the UCLA football program.


Under the current “leadership” at UCLA, the football team is destined for many mediocre seasons and blowout losses by resurgent USC in the future. Alas, I will not be a witness to such a sorry spectacle. I am canceling my season tickets and finding alternative matters to occupy myself with on Saturdays in the fall.

Goodbye, UCLA football, it was a painful and excruciatingly long spiral downward. May you rest in peace. I am moving on.

Henry Kerner

Los Angeles


Saturday’s game was embarrassing. The lack of ability from Karl Dorrell and his staff to prepare for USC was embarrassing. The lack of adjustments made during the game was embarrassing. The complete stubbornness in trying to run up the middle while trailing 30-2 was embarrassing.


My bigger concern is that Karl Dorrell doesn’t sound as though he was embarrassed by the events that were humiliating to the rest of us Bruins.

Tony Siracusa

San Gabriel


Maybe next season UCLA should attempt all of its passes from punt formation; after all, they were 100% on such passes against USC.

Robert Park

Los Angeles


As USC used its No. 1 to become No. 2, the Bruins mastered their newest trick play -- the two-point PAT conversion return.

Unfortunately, the Bruins needed 13 more to overcome the 25-point final deficit.

Somewhere, Bob Toledo is smiling.

Brian Robinette

Van Nuys


The most talent-rich and coached-to-the-hilt college team I ever saw was Notre Dame in ’47.

Nobody will ever have equivalent talent, but USC looked every bit as good against UCLA last Saturday. Except for the good-looking uniform, UCLA has deteriorated to the pre-Red Sanders days, the other team in town.

USC looked equally hopeless a few years back, got the right guys (never fail to credit Norm Chow), and put it back together in two years. I doubt that the Westwood chain of command can do likewise, but we shall see. The town is much better when both programs are strong.


Paul Ascenzi



Karl Dullard’s lack of meaningful preparation for the USC game left the UCLA players uninspired, unprepared, undeveloped and uninteresting.

Dan Guerrero’s quick hiring of this inexperienced and overwhelmed man (one can’t call him a coach) shows the AD’s lack of good football judgment.

Did he find Dorrell at a Rose Bowl swap meet or in one of the 99 Cents Only Stores?

Surely the UCLA administration won’t put us through this awful suffering again next year?

Roy A. Reel



So what if Karl Dorrell doesn’t smile and lacks charisma?

His job is secure because the UCLA situation is more fiscal and visual. Athletic Director Dan Guerrero knows the bottom line: Toledo and Lavin are owed $1 million each on their contracts, Dorrell gets $600,000 guaranteed the next two years, and a new quality coach would be paid another $1 million annually.

Monetarily speaking, get used to Mr. Poker-Face-West-Coast offense.

Dan Anzel

Los Angeles


There was one good thing about the UCLA-USC game that maybe people overlooked: UCLA outscored USC in the second half and actually held them scoreless in the fourth quarter!

I give Dorrell the first year to see what adjustments he has to do. Let’s see what changes he can make and how he recruits. Bruin fans, please give him time to get his vision in place.

Steven J. Shaevel



When discussing the BCS rankings, it is clear there is East Coast bias.

Why can’t the West Coast sportscasters with BCS voting privileges show how badly the system is flawed by ranking Ohio State 25th when submitting their votes this week? Ohio State would drop in the polls and it would become evident that man, not computer should determine the rankings.


Perhaps it would force the issue of a playoff system for collegiate football. Imagine that. Welcome to the 21st century!

Connie Matthews



Having watched UCLA football since Bert LaBrucherie, Red Sanders and Tommy Prothro, I feel that I am qualified to offer this message to Dave Ball.

Dave, you are quoted as suggesting that you have been a “curse” to the team during your four years. Had a problem holding back the tears when I read that. Son, you have been a constant blessing, going all out on every play. UCLA did not ever lose a game because of you and they clearly won some as a result of the sometimes lonely efforts of yourself, Chillar, Havner and your brother Mat.

You have been a superb player and a first-class human being.

Richard G. Berry

Hermosa Beach


If UCLA is invited to any bowl game, please don’t accept. We’ve had enough disappointment for one season.

Bill Hoban

Walnut Creek


In view of the increasingly ridiculous New York Times computer rankings, I strongly recommend they change the motto.

Trudy Sibley



At UCLA, November stands for:









Darryl Thomson

La Canada


There’s a proverb: “He who will have the fruit must climb the tree.”

Please, Karl Dorrell, find the tree.

Carl Wada



I applaud USC’s Mike Williams for making a point that UCLA’s medical school “has a prestigious reputation” during his trash talking after Saturday’s Trojan victory. Because Oregon State has no medical school, Mr. Williams should pay his compliments to OSU’s veterinary school after the game Dec. 6.


With a little luck, the Beavers will put a much-needed muzzle on him.

Barry P. Resnick

