
Which duets are dull?

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Lewis SEGAL sees more dance than I do so I’ll have to take him at his word that “the male duet is becoming a cliche -- tiresome and uninventive” (“The Thrill Is Gone,” Sept. 28) because his article didn’t support his thesis.

After making the statement he goes on to cover the history of the male duet in dance but never says what duets are dull; in fact he mostly tells us which ones were good.

I believe that if his opinion is to be taken seriously he should have told us what recent male couplings were dull and inspired him to write this piece. If he just wanted to write a history of male duets in dance that would have been fine -- he didn’t need to make the statement that they were becoming dull.


As it is his statement just came off as sort of reactionary.

Daniel McVey

Los Angeles
