
Questions of Character as Election Day Nears

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Re “A Deplorable October Surprise,” Commentary, Oct. 3:

I am utterly amazed at the assertion of Susan Estrich that Arnold Schwarzenegger’s “unwanted touching of women ... [does] not appear to constitute any crime.” This is certainly good news for perverts who had previously feared arrest, conviction and jail time. Apparently, as long as you don’t repeat the act with the same woman, it does not rise to the level of harassment, which is based legally on more than a single case. As long as she’s a stranger, so that no implied job offer or demotion is in play, you are truly home free.

So now, on the streets of Los Angeles, make anonymous women your target and you, like Arnold, can always get away with an apology. Just reach under her blouse and squeeze her breast, or under her skirt and grab her buttocks, and if she protests, all the better. Just laugh and move on to the next target. Defense lawyers, get ready for the Arnold defense.

Jack Farrell

Newbury Park


If there were more Democratic leaders with the integrity and intellectual honesty of Estrich, many of us who have left her party would still be members. Unfortunately, that is not currently the case.


Manuel H. Rodriguez



Instead of questioning why The Times is just now publishing a story about Arnold’s treatment of women, we should be asking why he is just now apologizing.

Susan Siegmund

Los Angeles


Just as many of us suspected, a smear campaign would be launched against Schwarzenegger days before the election. This last-minute dirty trick will not work. Arnold still gets my vote, and likely will win. I will also vote yes on Proposition 54, as all my life I have identified myself as an American. Simply because of my last name, others want to identify me as “Latino” or “Hispanic.” Not a chance. I am not a whining victim.

Mark Bustamante



Schwarzenegger said, “You know when you get into politics they try to tear down your character.” It appears that he didn’t need any help tearing down his character. He managed quite well on his own.


Lorraine Slattery

Newbury Park


Schwarzenegger has intelligence, money, charm and some political connections. He might make a good governor. Just not now. Give him another four or eight years to learn and he might be elected, and we might have a real Gov. Schwarzenegger instead of a charming advertiser.

Debra F. Sexton

Eagle Rock


Re Steve Lopez’s Oct. 3 column: People being mad at the media scares me. What scares me more is that these people don’t see the irony of Arnold’s choice to name his campaign bus “Running Man.” Stephen King wrote “The Running Man,” a story depicting a totalitarian America in 2018 where the government controls all media. Is this the future these critics hope to create for California?

Ben Mack



Re “A Recall Election? Been There, Won That at Age 18,” Commentary, Oct. 3: What is Michael Moore’s principled rationale for being against the recall? Finally revealed near the end of his commentary, it is a deep, unabashed hatred for President Bush. What else does Moore hate? Republicans in general, white men and the “rich.”


As usual, Moore won’t state what constitutes the “rich” in California, and for good reason. Once people find out that their modest incomes are part of the “rich” targeted by people like Moore, they will be more likely to vote Republican.

Greg Belluomini



The Times is right. “Image Just Isn’t Enough” (editorial, Oct. 2). But at least it is something. What does Gov. Gray Davis offer? Nothing. Oh, I forgot. Davis offers his experience in raising campaign funds, looking after his contributors and doing nothing about California’s economic problems.

Richard Fay

Redondo Beach


With all the money spent for this “waste of time” recall we could have put this state back in order. When the people get to the polls Tuesday, they will realize that the right man for the job has it already. This “circus parade” must come to an end, and California should get back on track.

Arturo Aguilar

Panorama City
