
Another Actress Makes the Case for Conan the Gentleman

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I’ve now found three actresses who say they were not molested by gubernatorial candidate Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Yes, I’m telling you this for a self-serving reason -- I’m hoping to save my job by preventing more people from canceling their subscriptions because of all our stories about Arnold groping women.

But there’s more to it than that. On this election day, I’m doing it out of a sense of fairness.


At a rally in Costa Mesa, I met Angela Fair, who says she was a double in “Terminator 3.” Fair told me Arnold never did anything untoward on or off the set, and, she added: “I think he can bring jobs back to California.”

Then I went to Arcadia, where “Octopussy” star Kristina Wayborn told me she has known Arnold for years and he’s always on his best behavior.

And now here’s Woman No. 3:

“I saw Kristina’s name in your column,” says actress Cassandra Gava, who knows the “Octopussy” star and also knows Schwarzenegger rather intimately, you might say. In fact, she was once naked with him for four days, but I’m getting ahead of myself.


Let’s begin with her e-mail to me:

Hi Steve,

I felt it is important to speak up after all the terrible accusations in the L.A. Times, a paper that I read faithfully even when I am abroad at film festivals like Cannes.

If 15 or 16 women have come forth with accusations, then I can give you a list of at least 50 who regard Arnold Schwarzenegger as a total gentleman. The other side should be listened to as well.

In my observation, it is Arnold himself who is the “VICTIM” of groping and sexual harassment by women and he has to beat them off with a stick.


Gava, in case you’re wondering, played the Wolf Witch in “Conan the Barbarian.” So her credentials for judging Arnold’s behavior are pretty good.

We had a difficult love scene requiring total nudity. Arnold was not only a complete gentleman but very supportive and protective of me and my feelings because of it.

I had no choice but to ask Gava if Schwarzenegger had put her up to calling me.

“No,” she said. “My dad did.”

He’s a Republican, she added by way of explanation. Gava’s sister, a director, has also worked with Arnold and never had any groping incidents, despite lots of time in a trailer with him. Their father thought one of them ought to call and let The Times know the truth.

I hope this gets the dogs off my back. I’m still hearing from people who think I’m in the tank for Gov. Gray Davis, and that I’ll do anything in my power to sabotage Schwarzenegger.

If that were the case, the first line of this column would have been:

“I spoke to a woman yesterday who was stripped naked, tossed around on the ground, and then thrown into a fire by Arnold Schwarzenegger.”

Instead, I’m giving it to you straight.

“I play basically a wicked witch kind of thing, and I seduce his character,” Gava told me.

I apologized for not having seen “Conan the Barbarian,” and asked the Wicked Witch how she seduced him.


“I lure him into my cave. I say, ‘There’s warmth in fire. Do you not wish to warm yourself by my fire?’ ”

I think I might’ve used that line myself back in Philly.

So once she gets Arnold into the cave, Gava told me, her character is transformed into a demon creature with wild hair and fangs.

What, Arianna Huffington was in the movie?

“He’s trying to find out about the killer of his parents, and I give him the information but tell him there’s a price, which means I have to seduce you,” Gava says. “And so we do a roll and tumble in the hay.”

She said the love scene took four days to shoot, and I said:


That’s a long roll in the hay. And if Arnold was with a half-naked woman for four days and never groped her, journalistic integrity says we have to publish.

Arnold was a gentleman the entire time, Gava said.

So the guy allegedly gropes clothed women, but has no interest in them if they’re naked. I think he may have some serious issues.

“He would ask, ‘Are you OK?’ and that kind of thing. I told him I didn’t want to show too much skin, and he understood. We were doing this scene very professionally.”


In the scene, Gava said, “My squeals of pleasure turn into deranged howls.”

As Gava told me in her e-mail:

Arnold is a genuine and caring person with an outrageous sense of humor that can sometimes be misconstrued. He is also a good-looking sexy man and I witnessed many women willing to throw themselves at him.

If Gray Davis had rolled her around in that cave, you know he would have left with her checkbook.

Whoever you like: Do your duty today.

Vote early and often.
