
To the top, on the e-trail

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If you’re at Whit’s end wondering what you’ll be up against on the mountain, head to the Whitney Portal Store’s bulletin board. You’ll get hundreds of firsthand reports and photos from people just back and revved to share hard-won tips. Do you need an ice ax? Does anyone have a spare permit? Can your beagle make it to the top? There’s someone to answer every burning question.

Even better are the trail anecdotes, which can give you a vivid slice of upward reality. One recent post by SpankyBob described a parade of unprepared climbers encountered on the trail -- day hikers who had to overnight in 30-degree weather because they got off the mountain too late, a woman with acute mountain sickness, who had to be airlifted out, and two people who’d had seizures. You get not only the lowdown on bonehead mistakes, but also camaraderie that brings you back to the site after your climb to compare notes with Whit alums and find out why those toes are still numb a month later. Start your research here.

-- Joe Robinson

Summitted Whitney in 2001
