
Balancing State Jobs With State Income

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Re “State Workers Facing Layoffs,” Oct. 19: When 12,000 state employees lose their jobs, remember that it was Republican legislators who held the state budget hostage with their blind refusal to adopt any moderate and meaningful measures to alleviate the deficit crisis. Couldn’t the residents of our great state afford a few cents extra out of their pockets to keep workers working and the public safe? Maybe it is time the Republicans changed their mantra. Taxes are imposed to fund those activities that keep a community/state/nation safe, healthy and productive. To believe that the only good tax is a tax cut is shortsighted and ignorant ... and ignorance is not bliss.

Dorothy Allen



I have followed the recall with interest, as I grew up in California. I believe it is time state workers were forced to play by the same rules we in private industry face. Recent advances in technology and productivity have significantly contributed to today’s relatively high unemployment figures. I agree with Gov.-elect Arnold Schwarzenegger’s call for a systemwide audit. I suspect these audits will discover that with improved technology and productivity a large number of state jobs could be eliminated without sacrificing services. Dealing with a Department of Motor Vehicles employee should feel no different from an employee of a Nordstrom or Macy’s department store. Now, that would be real reform.

Gordon Tagge

Chelan, Wash.
