
Ramirez Draws on Pope, Partial-Birth Abortion

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Once in a while Michael Ramirez gets it right. His Oct. 21 editorial cartoon (Commentary) showing the “Legacy” of Pope John Paul II as a huge shadow extending far into the future also shows that legacy as black. And black it is: despite the population explosion, John Paul continues to oppose abortion and contraception. Despite the sex molestation scandals in his church, he continues to demand clerical celibacy. Despite massive evidence to the contrary, his own pronouncements show that he continues to uphold papal infallibility. And worst, he appoints cardinals of the same medieval mentality.

Tom Clayton

Santa Clarita


Thank God and The Times for Ramirez’s editorial cartoons. His sharp visual commentaries on the awesome legacy of this pope and the horror of abortion (Commentary, Oct. 23) reflect the sentiments of many of your readers who believe that respect for human life is at the heart of a truly civilized person.

Maria Elena

de las Carreras



Ramirez is not funny. He is just crude and ignorant. His latest cartoon about the two children playing doctor was infuriating. It is a clear indication that he doesn’t know anything about the abortion procedure he is alluding to, the doctors who perform it or the women who find it necessary to have it.


Erica Fox

Studio City
