
Inquiry Into Officials’ Use of College Funds

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Re “Perks Bring D.A. Probe at College,” Aug. 31: As a community college student, I am painfully aware of the state’s current budget crisis: There are students without classes, instructors without jobs and rising tuition costs. Therefore I am extremely interested to hear the directors at Compton Community College justify spending what seems to be nearly $1 million of the school’s money on their own interests. I fail to see how students are receiving a better education because board members are allowed to drive luxury vehicles or take overseas trips financed by the college.

If the district attorney’s investigation shows that the board’s activities are the gross misappropriation of funds that they appear to be, I sincerely hope that these board members will be held responsible, both criminally and financially. The money needs to be taken from the pockets and driveways of these manipulators and put in the classrooms where it belongs.

Amie Brodhagen

Los Angeles
