
Bush on Labor Day: Emperor Has Clothes

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Re “To Save Jobs, Bush Will Appoint a Manufacturing Czar,” Sept. 2: Emperor Bush trots out new outfits each day depending on what audience he is aiming to win over: flight suit as he lands on an aircraft carrier, leather jacket and cap for the working folks, cowboy outfit when on the ranch. What anyone with half a brain sees is a commander in thief whose naked lies and tricky footwork have led this country into disaster. No outfit can hide the nakedness of deception, greed and hawkishness of his administration.

Patricia A. Crowell

Huntington Beach


I applaud President Bush’s decision to have one high-level bureaucrat (Secretary of Commerce Don Evans) appoint another high-level bureaucrat (“assistant secretary of jobs”) to address the loss of 2.4 million jobs in the manufacturing industry. Perhaps he should consider asking Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld to appoint an “assistant secretary of postwar planning.”

Phil Gussin



When I read about Bush appointing a “manufacturing czar” I almost laughed out loud. This is obviously a man who governs by slogan.


The war was Operation Iraqi Freedom. Now that’s a laugh. There is the Department of Homeland Security, with a ridiculous series of multicolored warning lights. This was accompanied by the USA Patriot Act -- another ineffective plan, but with frightening overtones. Oh yes, I forgot the Healthy Forests Initiative, his euphemism for “save the forests for the lumber industry.” Now we have the czar of manufacturing. Ha!

Can Bush actually believe he has dealt with the unemployment problem by mouthing another slogan and appointing another czar? It’s such an easy way of governing that even Arnold Schwarzenegger could do it.

Jean Sapin

Sherman Oaks


This president called the United Nations “irrelevant” in February when he couldn’t get his way on Iraq. Now he is going to have to eat his words and admit that the U.N. was right (Sept. 3). Bush and his administration completely misunderstood that there are many different tribes in Iraq that fight each other. Apparently, they didn’t do their homework.


Victoria Miller

