
Voters Hooked as Five Hopefuls Rise to Debate

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Re “5 Candidates Tackle Issues in Spirited Debate,” Sept. 4: It was the best political debate ever. The view of Peter Camejo on the left and Tom McClintock on the right brought into sharp focus what kind of a people we want to be. McClintock and Peter Ueberroth both offered the classic Republican philosophy of get government out of the way and let capitalism take over; let the rich be as rich as they want to be because they create jobs.

Camejo and Arianna Huffington both favored the traditional Democratic view that capitalism works best when the wealthy pay a higher tax rate so that everyone can share in the economic pie. In other words, is the American dream, “I’ve got mine, you get yours”? Or do we still believe in the Christian ethic, “I am my brother’s keeper”?

Al Sheahen

Sherman Oaks


Gubernatorial candidates in their first televised debate Wednesday were asked probing, direct questions, then follow-up questions to make sure they answered what was asked. How refreshing! We all know how pols prefer to equivocate. Indeed, whether you agreed with these candidates’ answers, you had to give them credit for showing up to state their respective platforms. We now have a good idea where each stands on the important issues.


But not Arnold Schwarzenegger. He may be known as a formidable force in the world of make-believe, but in the real world, he comes off as an intellectual coward for dodging this opportunity. The only debate that he has agreed to will give him the chance to learn his lines ahead of time. Questions will be provided a week in advance. Any wonder?

Paul Scott

Santa Monica


I enjoyed the diversity of candidates in the Sept. 3 debate. It would be a nice change to always have some candidates who weren’t picked by the special interests operating through the two major parties. Who knows? Americans might get interested in politics again and actually vote. I was especially interested in Camejo’s “fair tax” idea. I looked it up later on his Web site: It made sense.

It also seems possible that an intensified renewable energy program could revive California’s economy. Everyone wants clean energy from sources that don’t force us into wars. As a successful financial advisor for many years, Camejo is not a type we usually associate with the Green Party. Maybe the party is finally maturing.


Genevieve Marcus

Los Angeles


I didn’t sign the petition and haven’t been too excited about the election. Then I saw the first debate. Schwarzenegger wasn’t there and won’t debate until Sept. 24, when he’ll receive the questions in advance and rehearse his scripted answers. We can draw our own conclusions from that. Lt. Gov. Cruz Bustamante has the experience but never spoke out when California increased its spending 40% when population, inflation and revenue increased just 21%, 21% and 25%. He’d just be Gov. Gray Davis II.

McClintock was head and shoulders above the other candidates. He gave straight answers about what he would do if elected and was the only one who recognized the lunacy of rewarding illegal immigrants with driver’s licenses and in-state tuition. He has the experience and knows the workings of California government inside and out. There will be no learning curve.

Cleo Sopp



Sen. Dianne Feinstein’s ads opposing the recall say that “the governor deserves the chance to keep working on issues we care about” (Sept. 3). How many chances do we give Davis to finally get it right? The governor’s job should be like any other. If he’s not doing his job, replace him with someone who will. We can’t afford not to.


Terrance Dauplaise

