
Great Park Board Should Be Accountable

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Re “Great Park Board Likely to Face Limits,” Aug. 28:

Having spoken at the Aug. 26 Irvine City Council meeting, I would like to commend the council for addressing legitimate concerns raised by Orange County supervisors regarding the proposed Great Park board’s seeming ability to operate outside public accountability laws.

If the Great Park is truly to be for all the people of Orange County, as in the spirit of Measure W passed by Orange County voters last year, the Great Park board of directors must be accountable to and representative of all the people. Time is of the essence. The council must resolve the Great Park board structure during its meeting Tuesday. We must avoid the risk of any further delay to the non-aviation process, as that would only serve to benefit the pro-airport agenda, which is still very much alive and well.

Chuck DeVore



Re “Private Control of Great Park Opposed,” Aug. 24:

Larry Agran and his selfish comrades in Irvine are at it again. While espousing the “will of the people” that approved Measure W in favor of a Great Park at El Toro, they betray the best interests of Orange County citizens by trying to give control of public assets to a board unaccountable to the voters or any elected public officials.


Agran and other south Orange County interests made many promises while campaigning for Measure W. Since then they have been busy betraying the voters of Orange County and their own political supporters.

County supervisors must ensure that Irvine keeps its promises as a condition of annexing El Toro, and the Navy must intervene if necessary to ensure the integrity of the base closure.

Thomas R. Damiani

Newport Beach
