
Driver’s License Bill Assaults Democracy

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It is one thing to grant driver’s licenses to illegal immigrants but quite another to give them backdoor rights to vote in our elections (Sept. 4). The driver’s license is the universal form of identification for voter registration, yet there is absolutely nothing in SB 60 that requires the license to be marked “noncitizen.” Our civil rights as U.S. citizens are trampled by this bill. Voting is the most precious right in a democracy. A democracy depends on fair elections, without dilution from double voting or noncitizen voting. Without each citizen’s vote counting as a full vote, we have nothing. Isn’t it ironic that our California Legislature is enabling the same kind of ballot-box stuffing and the resultant civil rights abuses that many of these immigrants are fleeing?

Michael Adams

Newbury Park


Let’s be honest. The real reason for this bill is not to encourage safe driving. The purpose is to make illegal immigrants invisible to law enforcement and to prevent them from ever being deported. This bill will also allow illegal immigrants to obtain expensive social services meant for taxpaying citizens, allow them to fraudulently vote and help them get jobs that should be going to the many unemployed Californians, including legal immigrants, looking for work.

Dan Sheehy

Rancho Palos Verdes


When I needed to renew my driver’s license earlier this year, I found I couldn’t do so because the name on my driver’s license did not correspond to the name on my Social Security card; I had to change one or the other. Now it appears that illegal immigrants will be able to receive their driver’s licenses without needing Social Security accounts. Is this what used to be called political doublespeak? What is it called today?


JoEllen Geanes

Sherman Oaks
