
A Candidate Who Spins Dreams but Won’t Debate

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First, Arnold Schwarzenegger announced his candidacy on “The Tonight Show.” Then he invited Hollywood actors like Rob Lowe to serve as campaign advisors. Now he will participate in only a single debate, in which he will be provided the questions in advance. Arnold needs to realize that he is running for governor of California, not auditioning for another movie role.

If he isn’t willing to stand next to his fellow candidates and answer difficult questions about California’s future, then he doesn’t deserve to be governor. Could it be that the Terminator is really an over-muscled political wimp?

Samuel Garrison

Los Angeles


Having watched the excellent first debate on Wednesday among governor hopefuls, it was clear that Schwarzenegger missed a wonderful opportunity to express his views.


I can only deduce that Schwarzenegger doesn’t have any solutions to the state’s problems, can’t speak without a script or has so little respect for the voters that he didn’t think that he needed to participate. A serious and responsible candidate would have been prepared, informed and, most important, present.

Doug Hayes

Sierra Madre


Re “1977 Quotes Were Made Up, Actor Says,” Sept. 3: Schwarzenegger was clearly teasing the reporter for Oui magazine in that 1977 interview. I have worked out at the same gyms as Arnold. The gym was never host to sex orgies or anything like them.

Whenever I saw Arnold at the gym, I was struck by his charismatic personality -- he really does light up a room -- combined with an incredibly disciplined work ethic. He also was genuinely kind to people working hard to improve their physique. I saw him offer encouragement and praise many times. There is no question that he has a really good heart.


Richard S. Newcombe

Los Angeles


Schwarzenegger said that he participated in group sex and enjoyed drugs. Now he says that he lied. So before we go the polls, we have to decide: Is he a fornicating druggie or just a liar?

Larry Kaufman

Los Angeles


Of all the indignant Republicans who cried and whined when Hollywood’s “loony leftists” spoke out against the appointed Bush administration and its invasions of sovereign nations, how many are now planning to vote for a B-movie actor who has zero experience doing much of anything besides standing in front of green screens while computer-animated action is shown behind him? It will probably be the same ones who voted for the last B-movie actor in 1980.

John Cannon

Olancha, Calif.
