
L.A.’s frustration

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THANK you for the refreshing criticism of the Walt Disney Concert Hall (“Time to Temper the Praise for That Steel-Clad Hall,” by Rip Rense, Sept. 8). However, I disagree with Rense’s comment that Frank Gehry is mocking L.A. as a cardboard community. Rather, he is expressing the city’s identity crisis produced by its transition from Spanish Colonial to Truck Stop Diner and Warehouse.

It is a frustrated city, and Gehry and his generation are reaping the benefits just as much as the fashion industry is profiting from the maladies of gothic generation X. With all due respect, Gehry perfectly expresses Los Angeles by mixing all of its warehouses, factories, gas stations and freeways into a blender, hitting frappe and spilling it on the countertop for the elitists to enjoy.

Glenn Buack

Aliso Viejo
