
Immigration Policies Have Given Santa Ana the Look of Third World

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Re “In Housing Density, It’s Too Close for Comfort,” Sept. 15:

So Santa Ana has the “most crowded households of any large U.S. city.” It’s not surprising, considering it is mostly populated by immigrants, many illegal.

Thanks to decades of not enforcing immigration laws, the result is a city that looks like a Third World slum. And when the city tries to enforce ordinary housing codes, frivolous lawsuits are filed by so-called immigrant rights groups. What about the rights of Americans who have watched Santa Ana turn into the mess that it is today?

This problem is not limited to the Southwest. It’s happening all over the country. Something must be done to reform immigration.


Brad Cordova

St. Louis Park, MN


The article on Santa Ana homes overflowing with poor Latinos shows why our 2,000-mile border with Mexico must be closed to illegal aliens. America cannot survive this onslaught.

California now has many Third World areas caused by ethnic pressure groups, sympathetic media and unprincipled politicians. The recent Roper poll says 85% want fewer immigrants. Is more evidence needed?

Andy Kerr

Laguna Woods
