
Add taxi or rental car fees into the costs

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James Gilden’s comparison of driving and flying in the Travel section was well done (“Which Is Cheaper, Flying or Driving? Crunch the Numbers,” Travel Insider, Sept. 7].

However, he left out something important: At most destinations, the traveler will need a car. This means renting a car or taking lots of taxis. Either involves expense, and taxis mean trouble as well. They’re never there when you need them.

By contrast, if you drive you have your car there; there is no additional expense.

Bruce Walker

San Pedro


Gilden’s tips about air versus auto travel were informative, but he left out rental cars.

I have found them very useful on long trips and very inexpensive compared to putting the miles on my own vehicle. In three days, one could put unlimited miles on a round trip for about $75 ($25 daily).


And if one had flown, the additional car rental should have been factored in as part of the expense.

Richard Martin

Fountain Valley
