
Americans Pay Mightily for Illegal Immigrants

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Re “Immigrants’ Stories Reflect ‘Human Cost’ of Terror Policy,” Sept. 14: I am responding to illegal immigrant Harold Lugo, who waved his adult education certificate and his children’s educational achievement awards in the air, asking, “Are we bad for this country? Are we wrong?”

Yes, you are wrong, Mr. Lugo. How many Americans were unemployed while you and other illegal aliens worked here? How much money did Americans pay to educate your family members who are here illegally?

Mr. Lugo, there are many times more poor people in the world than the number of Americans. We can’t solve your problems by inviting you all here. You have jumped into the line ahead of legal immigrants who apply to come honestly. Go back to your own country and serve your countrymen with the education you stole from us.


Stu Sherman

Santa Barbara
