
The Chicks talk, music fans listen

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The Dixie Chicks are in hot water again. Or should we say der Teufels Kuche? Group member Martie Maguire is quoted in the Sept. 20 issue of Germany’s Der Spiegel magazine saying the group no longer considers itself part of the country music community following the often hostile response from country radio and fans to Chicks lead singer Natalie Maines’ comment in March criticizing President Bush over his Iraq stance.

Maguire is quoted saying the trio feels more affinity with “the big rock ‘n’ roll family now” in the wake of supportive statements from Bruce Springsteen and other rockers. Fans are responding strongly again, pro and con, prompting Maines to post a largely whimsical response -- in German and English -- on the Chicks’ Web site: “Country radio called and wants to know if it’s true that [we’re] leaving country music? This one must be a prank call.... How can you leave a party when the hosts had shown you to the door six months ago?”

A band spokeswoman said Thursday the group would have no further comment.

Randy Lewis
